How do I manually uninstall my Windows ESET product?

Posted by Bagus Swara On 5:20 AM

How do I manually uninstall my Windows ESET product?

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Before attempting to manually uninstall your ESET security product, first attempt to use the ESET Start Menu uninstaller provided with ESET Smart Security 5/6.x or ESET NOD32 Antivirus 5/6.x. If you ran the ESET Start Menu uninstaller and you continue to have problems, are unable to reinstall your ESET security product or if your ESET security product remains active after uninstallation and restart, then the uninstallation has failed. Follow the instructions below to download and use the ESET Uninstaller tool to manually remove your ESET security product.

1. Download ESET Uninstaller (500 KB) below and save it to your Desktop.

2. Restart your computer in Safe Mode.

3. Double-click the ESETUninstaller icon on your Desktop. Advanced user commands: (To view a full list of available commands for the ESET Uninstaller, type ESETUninstaller.exe /help):

If you are removing ESET products from bootable media, you will be asked whether you want to remove ESET files from each available partition separately.

The /mode=offline parameter specifies the uninstallation mode for CD and USB drives.

The /mode=online parameter specifies hard disks. Very rarely, you may need to use the /mode=online parameter to force the ESET product file deletions if the ESET Uninstaller does not detect your bootable media automatically.

To remove all present antivirus installations without being prompted, run the uninstaller with the /force parameter.

If the ESET Uninstaller cannot be used successfully in Safe Mode, disable self-defense in your ESET product and restart your computer. Run the ESET Uninstaller again using the /nosafemode parameter.

4. Read the warning and type y to confirm.

How do I manually uninstall my Windows ESET product?

5. Review the item(s) listed under Installed AV products, type the number that corresponds to the ESET installation in this list that you want to remove and then press Enter.

How do I manually uninstall my Windows ESET product?

6. Type y to confirm your selection.

How do I manually uninstall my Windows ESET product?

7. Once the ESET Uninstaller tool is finished running, press any key to exit and then restart your computer in normal mode.

The uninstaller writes a log of all its processes to the ~ESETUninstaller.log file (located in the same folder as the ESETUnistaller.exe file) for future reference.

How do I manually uninstall my Windows ESET product?

8. Click the link below that corresponds to your ESET product for help with reinstallation. If you continue to experience issues with reinstallation, repeat the steps above to run the ESET Uninstaller application again. Because ESET is designed as a security application, in some instances multiple attempts are required to uninstall the product completely.


Download ESET Uninstaller

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